October, 2009 - An update of last post: deleted most of it as irrelevant. The few old paragraphs are left, just to bring us up to present status.
Wow! last post - July 2007, and here it is: January 2009.
Today's challenge is to make a budget we can live with....
We'll go to New Hampshire this summer and spend some time looking to the future. Do we dare continue the nomad life, or is it time to look for a permanent spot. And what can we afford? Certainly not any of the "senior living" places. We must sell the Motorhome; that's a loser to begin with. Maybe we can find some nice couple who would take us in exchange for what we can afford plus house sitting and a modicum of house work. Maybe this nice couple likes to go south in the winter and needs someone to monitor the snow on the roof or keep the pipes from freezing. Time will tell.
In the meantime, we continue to lead life gracefully. We smile, behave properly, and don't complain.
Post script: October 2009
Enough Already! Now that I've been in one place for more than two months, it's time to start percolating. Don't complain? Why not? There's no better way to allow rot to consume your energy and will than to be complaisant.
I just have to remember not to let complaining run my life. Though not a member of AA, I find great solace in their Serenity Prayer: "God grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, courage to change the things we can, and wisdom to know the difference."
I'm in the middle of re-reading Oliver Wiswell by Kenneth Roberts. It's astounding how much the political dialog smacks of today's situation. Then it was mob mentality; today the shape of the mobs has changed, but the mentality remains the same. Then, the motives for action were so convoluted it was hard to separate the Good Guys from the Bad Guys. Today - nothing has changed. I find myself wavering from my eternal optimism - the outlook that has carried me through rough patches all my life. I still look for the good in any situation, but my range has narrowed down to years rather than decades. As the world goes now, it is unsustainable; the hope for alternatives has narrowed. Remember Rome?
While residing in Burlington, VT we had the priviledge of joining UVM Professor Emeritus of biology, John Davison for our bi-weekly coffee and cinnamon doughnuts at Price Chopper. When he and Cor weren't raucously enjoying their flights of imitating the likes of Winton Churchill and Lionel Barrymore, John would tell us his views on politics, religion, the dark fate of democracy and evolution. I concur, and hope I have not misrepresented him. For a look at his own words, follow this link:
I have to wonder if I'm jaded by the past two months of lining up medical help in Exeter, NH, our new home. Success was had, but finding doctors who would both accept Medicare and take new patients seemed daunting at times. But the medical accessibility situation is what "the best minds" in our Congress are trying to muck through now - "best minds in Congress?" - now there's and oxymoron, or at least a conundrum.
I better quit, I'm getting punchy.
Labels: evolution, John Davison, Kenneth Roberts, medical care, mob mentality, optimism, senior living; Oliver Wiswell, Serenity Prayer
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