Saturday, July 21, 2007

Tempus Fugit

Nearly another year has slipped by and I find myself still at the computer, but this time with a driven purpose.

Growing poor gracefully is getting more and more difficult. Perhaps that's for the better. I'm beginning to slip into a new mind-set, forgetting the trappings of the past. But then, perhaps "Grace" is living submissively in the present; accepting what comes your way and sharing your more generous side with others. That isn't necessarily tangible things, but thoughts, good will, love and humor.

I've noticed lately that hearing others tell about "how it was when" not only bores the be-Jesus out of me, but I feel like saying, "Face it, that was then...." "Tell me what you're doing now."

I have to admit that if I run into someone who shared my sort of past, it is fun to reminisce as long as we're not tyring to "one-up" each other. I don't care if your daddy had 6 Cadillacs; I am interested in what he did (maybe), or if he had six toes on each foot, but don't talk money. If find it crass. My New England upbringing - I was taught that you don't discuss politics, religion, or money. Nowadays, we do discuss those things - and for the better. How else would we know what is going on in this world. I'll admit to one thing: I am a Lou Dobbs fan, and that's all I'll say about that.

Now I have to get back to work, trying to catch up with inflation by creating an online New England country store. I won't put in a link, but if you care to see what's in it - look for New England Snippets with the dot com.

This May the following things rose, some doubled: Rent; Electric bill; gasoline; bananas; postage; Paypal merchant account (up 60%); birdseed; everything but our income (fixed). At least Price Chopper's cinnamon doughnuts have stayed the same. We buy them when they have the "Buy 6, get 6 free,) eat two in the store's cafe, take 10 home to the freezer, and bring two at a time with us every Wednesday and Saturday. That's our big restaurant meal each week - doughnuts and coffee at Price Chopper. Instead of buying two cups of coffee @ $1.34 per, we take our mug and pay $1.19 for a "refill" then split it. I take my own small cup to pour 1/2 into. The gal at the counter knows this...and it's perfectly legal, even if it is cheap - hardly graceful, but practical. But grace isn't about money.

If any reader has some good money-saving ideas and would like to share; please do. Just one thing though - please don't push a product or service with links - they'll be scratched. You know about "shareware" - same idea, just be graceful and share your tips. What goes 'round, comes 'round.

Bye for now...hafta go see what my daughter's up to...riding across the country by herself on her, oh my...I've learned to accept a lot. I wish her the best!


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